10 Sandies made their way to the E.O.Wilson Biophilia Center about 5 miles east of Freeport. Now why would a Motorcycle Club go to a Biophilia Center ? Well cause it was their annual fund raiser “Birds and Brews”. Let me tell ya there was a drinks ticket and a “Sober Ticket”. All Sandies chose the latter, Sandies don’t drink while on Bikes. Now after the keys are up you can dance naked and howl at the moon, if you so wish.
We did 120 miles over the course of the day. Speaking of miles Tim W started out with us , Tim split off to do what Tim does best, find new roads.
Harold and Kim W , our newest Sandies , we finally caught up with each other Saturday. We have just missed each other for a month easy. Well finally Harold and Kim got to ride with their Club, The Sandies.
Welcome again Harold and Kim !
Tony G and Sandy S took some great pictures, outstanding is a word I would use. We don’t have JoeJoe’s pictures yet but there must be 100 plus photos from those three. We also have all the video that Tony took. Those are some outstanding Videos by the way. You can see all of Tony’s video’s on The Sandollar Members Face Book page.
The cool news is that Tommy N is getting to really like that New GoldWing of his. Tommy is liking all the features that have made the Third Gen GL a riders dream.
If you haven’t visited The Biophilia Center you owe it to yourself to rectify the situation. It is a true hidden gem of a place. It is just a cool place to visit. It is primarily a learning center featuring the animals and plants that call our part of Florida home. The people that work there are truly dedicated and feel strongly about the job they are doing. As the pictures show the Raptor Demo’s are awesome, Tony has some great videos of the birds in flight on the Members FaceBook page.
One tidbit we picked up was you know the sound you hear in movies and television of the eagles vocal sounds ? Well we been hoodwinked good friend, that sound we have all come to think was the Eagles cry ? Nope it’s the sound a Red Tailed Hawk makes. I guess our national symbol is apparently a lot quiter.
It was one fun day , learned a lot, found out a Cajun Ham & Cheese sandwich ain’t your mommas Ham and Cheese samich. Learned a lot, things about NWF flora and fauna I was not aware of. Oh and the water in the pond is the clearest water I have seen in a long while. Great day riding with fellow Sandies.
Was a great day and educational.
A great day of riding & learning it was.