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Fishing for Broken Bridges

On Sunday, February 2, 2025, eight Sandies rode 146 miles for food, entertainment, and… well, morbid curiosity.

The Cat Herder led the way up through Crestview and into Blackwater Forest. Along the way, we were planning to take a left onto Pleasant Home Church Rd, but there was a “Bridge Out” sign at the turn. Naturally, comments ensued regarding the subma-wing incident.

We continued along the long arc into Milton and ventured down Avalon Blvd. Our illustrious Captain led us to the Fishing Hole which appeared to be closed. We stood around in the parking lot contemplating out life’s choices when the door opened, and the “open” sign lit up. JoeJoe was inside before the rest of us had a chance to comprehend.

Once inside the Dark Prince shared stories of his recent trip to the family home in Italy. Georgia Tim told tales of half-retirement. JoeJoe flipped through pictures of #snowmageddon, still in utter disbelief of the weather event. While waiting for our food, Sandy kept us going with stories of the randomness much of us have endured together over the years.

While we were enjoying a very tasty fish lunch, the Cat Herder just kept going over and over the bridge incident. He wanted to “see” the bridge that was out. After lunch, we loaded up and the plan was shared: we were going back to the bridge that was out. JoeJoe just couldn’t bare to see history repeat itself. He peeled away fairly quickly. Georgia Tim bailed when we left highway 90 to go north. The rest of us, we tagged along to see just how far our Road Captain would push it.

Apparently right up to the barricade.

Bridge Out sign on side of road
The Siren Song was in the air

GQ was thanked numerous times for going out the last time the Cat Herder went fording a river. He didn’t say it, but he was exceptionally relieved to not have to do it again. We all stopped for the obligatory picture on the way back. Sam remarked that she’d follow him almost anywhere without hesitation. However, she would not test her can-am in the water.

The trek back to our respective homes was uneventful. It was a great day for a ride and it was nice to have some fish that weren’t fried.


where is the meet location for the chili ride?

Feb 03
Replying to

Harold we had to move the chili ride to the last Sunday in February. We have a Saturday ride instead Brews And Birds going to the Biphila center on highway 20. I’ll send you the url . I bought Sober tickets. Leave GTD 10 am. Look forward to seeing you guys


Nice sounds like a great adventure, look forward to next weekend. Weather should be great a lot of miles on the horizon.


Yup that's it :)


Feb 03

Outstanding article,

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