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Windy Cold Peg Leg

Who in their right minds would go to lunch with 25 mph  cold winds blowing ? Huh?  Well Sandy S was there, Nikki G and Bobby B wasn’t far behind. That explains part of it but and this is an important but.  Food was involved and  so were The Sandies, who  after all, never turned down a food invite, ever. So 9 Sandies made the rather chilly trek to Pensacola Beach and Peg Leg Pete’s.  We did 135 miles of windy chilly weather. The wind was blowing 25 mph straight out of the North.  Oh did I mention we took the Island route, not one real wind break along the whole route. We got to Pensacola Beach early so to kill time we decided to get a banner picture with the Pensacola Beach Ball. Also it offered a  wind break which was sorely appreciated.


It gave me a chance to hand out patches to the Sandies that survived the Hell Night along The Natchez Trace. This was our trip in November to do The Trace backwards .  We got caught in rain then it got dark we were on the Trace, no lights and it got cold. Rain suits leaked, missed a turn off . It took me 30 minutes under a hot shower to feel almost human. It was Sandie Trip that stories will be told for a very long time.


I figured anyone that survived this night and still could laugh about it called for a unique patch. So JoeJoe and I designed it, I paid for it  and gave them out under the Beach Ball. What a great place to give out patches to the survivors of Hell Night. What better place than a cold windy but albeit sunny spot. Sandy S , Sam, Bobby B and JoeJoe all received their Survivor patches. Tim W and Hal W, Pat and Brenda will receive theirs in the mail.  


Meanwhile back at Peg Leg Pete’s we had a great meal, fabulous fellowship. Then ride , on the Island of course, into an even colder wind.  But ya know it was still fun , the scenery was spectacular, the company first class. It was after all a Sandie Sunday  Adventure and they always are such a jollification for everyone. 


Sorry I beg forgiveness, I always wanted to use that word, couldn’t help myself. I am weak like that.    .

 Thank you to Sandy S and JoeJoe for the great pictures


1 Comment

I enjoyed it also :)

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