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  • Were The Road Gods took Pity on Munchkin

    Had the Pumpkin Pre Ride today and again it shows just how this Club pulls together. Knitting first, 104 miles long, 15 Sandies participated in a really good Pre Poker Run. First I would like to thank these Sandies that volunteered to man a Checkpoint, thank you 1 and 5 Registration Crew 2nd Snuggle Bunnies Frank W and Carl B 3rd The A team- Numero Uno Mark S and Tim (Traveler) W 4th Team Fly Michael McMillan Again Thank you very much Mark Shaw has been gracious enough to allow us use his place of business for our Poker Run. If you haven’t figured out by now, we are the last Riding Club to do poker runs the old fashion way. Have a real route, checkpoints on the right, a map etc. put some time and effort into it, Oh well. First off it was super having Lorna S with us today never get to see Lorna, it was great . Would be remiss if I did not Thank two hard working Sandies, Bobby B and JoeJoe. Our Map and Flyer are first rate they are the best I have seen in many years. Map has a QR code to put the map on your phone a first for this part of the world. Our Flyer has a QR code to let you register early and it gives you all the information. Bobby and Joe are responsible for that new Sandie web site. I can tell you I have a new revived interest in The Sandies because of the work of those two. If you haven’t registered yet, what’s holding you back? Register now, the waters perfect, go to you will love it. Now the Munchkin story, Imagine your Cat Herder and over the Radio. You hear from Sheepdog extraordinaire, Tommy N “ Munchkin’s bike broke, save us a table “ . It’s just like a Sandie to think of food first in a developing situation. Reached Tommy and found out it had to do with Munchkins shift linkage had come loose. It was an easy fix and they were on their way to lunch. Now here is where after all the Road Gods have done to The Munchkin, they finally say “Here, enjoy”. They let Munchkin win with of all things a straight. A straight with a small crowd like this, come on had to be divine intervention. Unfortunately there has to be a last, Tommy N was “that person”. Well when you have no card higher than 4 and nothing matches, your “that person”. Last Thank you goes to Greg L for your very generous donation to our Charity. Greg has to work next Sunday so he made the very generous donation. Hope to see all you Sandies next Saturday, load trucks, put out arrows. Sunday it’s Showtime at Golden Corral need all of you that can be there , please. . Pictures from the Artistic Camera work of Bobby B

  • Pumpkin Pre-Run Sunday 10/29/2023

    Just a reminder, for The Pumpkin Run tomorrow 9 am Golden Corral. If you’re having Breakfast , Please be done by 9 am so we can get started.

  • What a Sandie Adventure, Frank W saved us from Starvation

    Talk about why we ride, Saturday had all the bits needed to check all the “Why We Ride” boxes . It was fabulous riding weather, cool in the morning nice and warm on the ride back. It was an enjoyable 235 miles and 6 Sandies flat enjoyed the day the company and most importantly the food. Speaking of food always take Frank W with you when food is on the schedule. Here’s why, It’s a matter of survival for Sandies trust me on this. We went to the Santa Fe steakhouse, in Enterprise AL, for lunch. Well there was a little situation, no Sandies were hurt in this situation by the way. The restaurant was short staffed so we had to wait. Now understand that there were quite a few groups ahead of us. The poor Hostess was doing the best she could, well The Schmoozer, Frank W, goes up and turns on Frank Charm . The Hostess comes out looking for the Bob party. Frank says “are you sure it’s not the Joe’s party” ? Hostess says no it’s the Bob party, Frank says with his Clark Gable smile “ well there isn’t anyone but us, here”. The hostess looked around and said “okay, is the Joe party here “? With a smile at Frank. Talk about selling Ice to Russians in Siberia , whew. But wait, there is more to The Legend of Frank. We get seated and the waitress comes over, Frank turns on the 1800 watt smile, she takes Frank’s order, first of course. She was one of those talented persons that can take your , with changes, no pad, nothing and a super waitperson to boot. Well when the food comes out, EL Schmoozer is talking being charming as only Frank can. Well the orders got mixed up, she says “I never get it wrong” . Now how did that happen? hum. We were very fortunate to have Dennis O with us on this journey. Dennis is one helluva good rider as evidenced when we ran into the “Boll Weevil Festival”. Yes Marylyn The Boll Weevil Festival, the local constabulary blocked off all kinds roads . All, which by the way, led to our place of food. As always the police don’t take in to account some of us ride motorcycles. The detour was behind warehouses, along railroad tracks, pavement in name only. You know all the back alleyways and warehouse and fright yards. Sam and I were okay, Spyders, but the others had to call on chapters out of their Skills Book. Dennis did a heck of a super job on that crap surfaces. You would have thought Dennis was on a 250 instead of a 1,00 lb. Touring Bike. Great job Dennis, always a pleasure riding with you. The whole reason for the Sandie Saturday Adventure was going to The Army Aviation Museum at Fort Novosel , used to be Fort Rucker. They have expanded the Museum, there are two buildings now. There are a bunch of outdoors exhibits, JoeJoe’s pictures cover a bunch of Army helicopters and Airplanes going back to The Wright Brothers first. As a reminder to you Zoomie Types it was the Army Air Corp, first before the Air Force. For and old Hooker like me, that’s a Chinook Crew dog, seeing the old and new Chinooks was looking at a 1952 Ford and a 2023 Tesla what a change. But I got really nostalgic walking through the old B model in the museum. Really missed the hydraulic oil smell and the little drips of it coming out of the transmission. Also seeing what are considered “Old” helicopters that I flew and worked on sure brings home how things change. I just sat there thinking about all those adventures and guys I flew with, glad I was there with Sam and my good riding friends. It was just a great day of riding, reminisces and being with good friends and fellow Riders. We have some really neat Sandie Saturday Adventures planned to some really off the beaten path places, almost all roads in some kind of pavement shape.

  • Some Important info for Saturday's Ride

    It supposed to absolutely beautiful Saturday, GTD 8 am As most of you are aware of the DOD rules for getting on base, just a refresher “All visitors to Fort Novosel, ages 16 and older, must have photo identification. State-issued identification cards, military dependent or retiree cards, driver's licenses, passports, or other official-issued ID cards with photos are accepted. Vehicle operators must present a valid driver's license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance in order to enter Fort Novosel.”

  • Skills Where Da Judge Beat her Demon

    Judge Laura joined us today at Skills . Laura is back on two wheels, she was on Three but a timely pacemaker made Two wheels possible .Da Judge as her Road Name, well earned, by the way implies. Laura promptly bought her another V-Strom. Now among the unattended consequences of said new ride was that Sensei, Michael M, is now a carrier of MBS. MBS or Multiple Bike Syndrome or when you have more motorcycles than you can comfortably ride in one day. I am sad to say we have multiple carriers of this disease. The Typhoid Mary of MBS, The Mitchell has a motorcycle for everyday of the week plus. Not far behind Dave Mac, Stephen G surprisingly Munchkin. Keeping them in good company, Tim W and Wes H. Now we have members with minor cases MBS, but owning just two rides is a minor case of MBS . M2 has the unenviable job of caring for said V-Strom and also adds to Michaels ever burgeoning stable of Rides. Now a word of caution here, these serious carriers of MBS can and do infect other Sandies so please practice good social distancing. Back to today’s Skills, we had 7 Sandies on a cloudy cool day. Carl B joined us, you know if you have ever noticed Carl is a very good bike handler. Carl in the box is very worth the study. Carl does a perfect box, big or small Carl can handle that Harley well in that situation. Speaking of The Box it has been a Judge Laura nemesis Laura has battled that Square for a while. Well today Da Judge, with help, whipped the monster, made it cry Uncle. JoeJoe and Sam worked the Box with The Jerry Paladino method . Two folks stand on opposite sides of the box. JoeJoe says in box rider “ look at me, look at me”! When said Rider approaches outer line he says “ look at her” pointing to opposite side of the box. Sam then promptly starts the same mantra. What this does is teach you look up and you go where you look. With Sandie Teamwork, Da Judge was soon Master of The Universal Box . Through all of this Bobby “Ansel Adams” B for those of you that just went “Huh”? Ansel Adams was a very famous photographer, his landscapes of Yosemite and out West command millions of dollars today. Well Bobby was everywhere and taking all kinds of pictures. You add JoeJoe’s pictures of Sandie life and you have a very comprehensive record of what the Sandies do for fun. I would be remiss if I didn’t do a shout for FatBoy’s restaurant in Crestview, We chose FatBoy’s cause they were open and did Pub food. Our waiter exemplified what service is and means. Sam wanted coffee and water . He came back and apologetically said they were out of coffee. Okay no big deal , we ordered the waiter comes back and says he has some personal K-Cups and could he make Sam a cup of coffee. All of us were floored in this day no less, this fella goes way out of his way to deliver. He returns shortly with what Sam said was a good cup of coffee. In this day and age to run across this level of service makes you think it might be alright after all. It was a good day watched a good rider become even better.

  • Saturday is Sandie Saturday, Need a Headcount

    Saturday is Sandie Saturday, this Saturday we be a going to Fort Novosel i.e. Fort Rucker. Going to leave AT 8 :00 am GTD. It’s a 200 plus miles day. Now what I need is a head count so I can arrange a Docent led Tour of The Museum. Need to know no later than Friday, before 5 pm. Just e-mail or text me

  • Sunday Sandie Skills

    Sunday Sandie Skills At least we won’t be sweating as in months past. Supposed to be rather coolish even. We have modified the lay-out to allow for Tri-Sandie Rides. This way our Tri-Riders can practice those same Skills you need “out there”. As always Part Two is going to be fun and learning together. Leave GTD 8 :30 am, Range 9 am Hope to see you there. Add to your post

  • Almost a No Shirt Tri

    Six Sandies set off at an unspeakable hour to carry judges for the cycling portion of the SRI TRI. Sam E, the Cat Hearder, JoeJoe, Munchkin, M2 Sensei, and Bobby B met up at 5:30 AM and headed out to Pensacola Beach for the 27th Annual Santa Rosa Island Triathlon. While waiting for the cycling portion of the race to start, Sir Robert stopped by to wish everyone well and swap stories of past races. This year there was only one judge to carry, and M2 Sensei on his Goldwing was the lucky selectee. JoeJoe and Munchkin set out on their H-D's while Bobby B took the last draftbusting decoy on a beautiful FZ1 on loan from M2 Sensei. Sam E and the Cat Hearder went across the street to stake out a view of the race and Sir Robert headed back to the crowds to cheer on the participants. The four Sandies riding with the cyclist did three to four loops through the course. We did our best to keep everyone honest and the results for each cyclist ranked. Meanwhile three Sandies were working hard to get triathlon t-shirts. Officials tried dodging at every twist and turn. The cycling portion of the race had ended and it looked like we (again) going home empty handed. Just when the growls of our stomachs was about to force us to leave, several grey and orange shirts suddenly appear. Thanks for the perseverance of out three most senior members of the club, we were able to ride away with t-shirts to prove we were there. Since there were so many other things going on Saturday afternoon, the group split up to head back. Most members were making their way to GTD to eventually sign up for the 3rd Annual Breast Cancer Ride while a few others had to get back to their families. A good time was had, and we are thankful that the 2023 SRI Tri is in the books with no known incidents or oopsies. Some great pictures by JoeJoe Some of The Sandies at The Emerald Coast Brest Cancer Ride

  • Oops Wrong Way Burgers

    Oops Wrong Way Burgers! Realized when I got home we visited the wrong Cove. We were at the Pirates Cove not The Cove Bar and Grill in Gulf Shores. They are two entirely different places and in different Towns miles apart. To say The Pirates Cove is laid back is like saying Yosemite Buffalo love Tourons. So we not only did a U turn through gravel, my I love these three wheels. We went to the wrong bar., not that it was bad, just the wrong place. Had a Burger and Fries and onion rings all just great. Visited Barber’s Marina and saw Dinosaurs and Chinese warriors and BamaHenge. BamaHenge is what Stonehenge would look like, if it was made of Styrofoam and in Alabama. Okay today was a great day just in the wrong place. Had fun, in a very casual place. First time I felt overdressed on a motorcycle ride. Okay the knitting, went 150 miles to eat burgers at the wrong Cove. Had 9 Sandies that rode and had a different kind of Ride. Tony and Nikki rode up at GTD and Tony informed me that he was shy a wallet. I figured it was like JoeJoe, wink wink. Tony and Nikki took off they would meet us in Navarre. At GTD, JoeJoe Bobby the B and a pleasant surprise M2. It always great to see Michael join us on a Sandie Ride. The day was unbelievably nice and cool to start with. As the day wore on it began to get a bit warmer, okay it was hot. We met Tony and Nikki and Glenn S in Navarre. We proceeded to ride to the Pirates Cove. But not before taking a wrong turn and ending up across the Bayou from the Pirates Cove. Since we couldn’t ride across the Bayou, I’m leaving the subject alone, I’m sure I can hear the snickers already. In spite of The Wrong Way Corrigan maneuver we really did have a great time eating wrong way burgers.

  • Voted one of the 10 Best Burger Joints in Ala.

    Saturday is Sandie Saturday Adventure, pretty clever the name, huh ? We leave GTD at 8 am heading West . Not sure 98 or I-10 we will let the day decide. Rated as one of the best places to get a Burger . We went years ago when it was literally a Beach Bar . Should be interesting, Barbers Marina is on the way. See ya at 8 am GTD Saturday

  • Skills was full of Surprises

    A Skills full of Surprises The Rain this morning passed through and it got very pleasant. A side note, Lost my CAT HERDER Plate and holder. The holder is what I want back it’s an IRON BUTT holder. Earned when 14 Sandies did the Iron Butt, we are still telling stories about that Sandie Adventure. Okay Todays Skills were filled with many a first. But first the knitting, 9 Sandies made it out after the Rain. But what a group of riders, we were lucky to have Sensei ( Michael M), Greg L , more on Greg later. Bobby the B, Sheepdog himself, Tommy N. The Master himself, JoeJoe. Let’s not forget Sandy and Sam , they both have put tens of thousands of miles on Spyders. We had a super talented group of Riders, not a slouch in the Group. We were very fortunate to have this Group out for a Skills today. I personally had a blast out there, I had no idea that a Can-Am at Skills could be so much fun. Now Tommy did remind me, unlike a two wheeler, I’m riding on a relatively flat surface. So like a car I’m scrubbing rubber off the whole tire not just a side. I did remember way back in my SCCA days when I would do Autocross how fast it wore out the tires. Well that notwithstanding it is just pure fun out there on the Tri Wheeler. Now for the news and this one flat shocked me. Greg Lynn drives up on a brand new BMW, yes that Greg L. A beautiful blue 2023 L1600 GTL . I had to do a double take, Greg had a beautiful gray Harley the last time I saw Greg, now this Beemer. I found out the Pied Piper of Beemer’s Wes H let Greg take his KTL out for a spin. The rest as they say is history. But wait it’s not over, Tommy N took Sandy’s Spyder for a spin around the Course. I have never in all my time riding with Tommy has he ever ridden Sandy’s Spyder. Especially aggressively but boy howdy did that change today. Tommy was handling that course pretty strong and doing a good job of it too. Having Michael out is always a good thing, Michael has devoted his life to teaching people how to be better Riders. When Michael makes suggestions people listen and well they should. Michael will be teaching Rider Coach’s how to teach the Three Wheeler Course here shortly. I for one want to take the course just because I always learn something new at any MSF Course. Now JoeJoe outdid himself on Part Two it was fast and fun. Watching all that talent out there was a real treat, we had some great bike handlers out there. I for one really had fun even though I missed a decreasing radius turn JoeJoe had on the course. Sam does real well on those JoeJoe Special Courses. Bobby the B is another fine Bike Handler besides he always brings a positive turn to things. The New Club Website Bobby and JoeJoe designed is fabulous. If you haven’t taken a Tour and registered, you should do it as soon as possible, as a Sandie there are special things just for Sandie members on the website. Thank You again Franky Weezak and Sandy Shorey for the great pictures

  • A true Piece of Sandie History

    These Sandies did 1000 miles in 24 hours over 16 years ago Now look at some of the Rides Mitchell on a V-Rod, Michael McMillan on a Yamaha FZ1 Sam on a V-Star 1100. We still tell stories about this Ride. We miss the ones that can't tell anymore stories Tom ( 2-Tom ) Moore David Moody Lost contact with Dennis Hamby The name of the Ride is in Official Iron Butt Records Sand Dollar MC Club, Sandie SaddleSore 1000 Ride Chris Mitchell Fort Walton Beach, FL 04/21/07 H-D V-Rod 1,024 Thomas W. Nieft Niceville, FL 04/21/07 Honda Gold Wing 1,024 Thomas M. Moore Niceville, FL 04/21/07 Honda Gold Wing 1,024 Steven Gardinier Navarre, FL 04/21/07 Honda Valkyrie 1,024 David Moody Monroeville, AL 04/21/07 Honda Gold Wing 1,024 Dennis Hamby Santa Rosa Beach, FL 04/21/07 Honda Gold Wing 1,024 Naomi Engler Fort Walton Beach, FL 04/21/07 Yamaha V-Star 1100 1,024 George Engler Fort Walton Beach, FL 04/21/07 Honda GL1800A 1,024 Jerry Gilbert Fort Walton Beach, FL 04/21/07 Honda Gold Wing 1,024 Michael McMillan Fort Walton Beach, FL 04/21/07 Yamaha FZ1 1,024

  • A True Warrior and a Great Sandollar

    George, here is a little tidbit I ran across in the history of the helicopter squadron Jerry Gilbert was a part of. We all know Jerry (The Captain) Gilbert has 2 Distinguished Flying Crosses and multiple air medals. This is something he had told me about and it confirms his stories. He participated and dropped off/picked up teams virtually on the outskirts of Hanoi. Just in case some folks do not realize what he has been through. Now Jerry is at Westwood Manor. This is from documents of the 20th SOS Green Hornets Jerry’s Outfit They flew CH-3Cs, from South Vietnam, infiltrated a combat team into North Vietnam, just north of the DMZ. In 1966, the CH-3 crews flew a total of 315 infiltration sorties Steve Gardinier

  • A Sandie Part Two

    Today the morning threw out a tease, a little hint of cool and dry. Ah the signs of things to come hopefully before Christmas. Okay back at the Palace of Temptations ( GTD), I pull up and there is Tommy N with a bag of doughnuts of which he did share one and only one with JoeJoe . Now M2 shows up and with the usual “How y’all doing”? . Michael is hot-footing into the Den of Goodness coming out shortly with a brown paper sack clutched tightly in his hand. Now this is a Breakfast Ride after all. But Sandies and that bit of dough with stuff on or in it is a Siren Song many Sandies are powerless to resist . Fortunately Joe and Melanie W joined up with us and we could leave that Den of Sugar Delights. We headed west to Navarre, no less, stopped at T.C. Front Porch. Normally T.C. is busy at this time but as with the admonition “not to wear white after Labor Day” the tourists weren’t out. The food was outstanding, the service first cabin. After Breakfast we decided to take that, Park Ranger enforced, leisurely drive across Santa Rosa Island. The speed limit is 35 and the Rangers are on hand to help jog your memory lest you feel froggie. Sides on beautiful morning like this the 35 mile an hour speed limit was just about perfect. Went all the way to Pensacola Beach did the Sandie maneuver we are known for , The Famous U-Turn. Heading back whence we came, we again strolled, metaphorically speaking, back across the Island. Enjoy Some of JoeJoe’ s best pictures, very good. We got home just as the day forgot it’s cool temps and returned to its normal temps. As always got to hang out with great riding companions, eat good food and enjoy the day. Next Sunday, finally and hopefully Skills. Remember Summer hours, 7:30 GTD, 8 am Range.

  • The Grand Opening of a nice Local Shop

    What does an 1914 Case Tractor and doughnuts have in common ? Stay tuned folks because there is a definite tie-in. Surprised don’t be it’s a Sandie thing Let’s start off with the strange fascination Sandies have with doughnuts We start off on Saturday watching Sandies cramming doughnuts at noon. Watching Tommy N, Bobby B, Mark S and Tony G woofing down doughnuts like they hadn’t eaten in a month. I will never understand the pull of doughnuts and Sandies. Now get this the same crew was eating pulled pork with all the fixings an hour later. Frank W, Sam, Steven G and Joe W all showed remarkable restraint in that Den of Doughnut Temptations. 11 Sandies made the Grand Opening. M2 and The Mitchell dropped in later. Domboski’s is owned by the son, Andy, of the late Jerry Domboski’s of Jerry’s Cycles on Racetrack Rd. Nice shop and good food, the Doughnut Gang by the way slowed down not a whit bellying up to the BarbQ table. Even Steven G got in the act, showing me his pulled pork and mac and cheese sandwich, only a Sandie would think of that. Met a lot of folks I haven’t seen in years, some as long as twenty years ago. The old crowd that started riding in the 60’s may have thinned out because of age and time. But there are still some of us around, some of us still riding even. Now how did a 1914 Case Tractor, by the way Tony G took some great pictures of it. Okay and this is Germaine to the story , how? Next door was this boat that sat on Eglin parkway next to Joys Southern Restaurant. The price tag was $118,000 at that time, so I was curious . Well met the guy who built it and there right next to the boat, sat the 1914 Case Tractor. It belonged to his grandfather and his dad used it in Parades and Tractor Pulls. Top speed, 3 miles an hour, he said always did a full pull, slow but it never stopped. It was at this point Tommy wanted ice cream, how a Case 1914 Tractor triggered that response beats the heck out of me. When it comes to Sandies and food there is no rational reason for anything. It was a great day of meeting old friends and making new ones, another great Sandie day.

  • Not even Butt scorching Heat can keep Sandies from Food

    Since the actual temperature for Saturday was scheduled to be 100 degree’s. It was Breakfast ride , again since it was Saturday more places of Vittles were open. We ended up ultimately with 9 Sandies and did right at 100 miles. JoeJoe finally made it he had been working weekends and nights. Sam bought his breakfast seems JoeJoe left his wallet in his other jacket, riiight cough cough. Tony G of Video fame resorted to Camera this time, at first I thought a shrunken JoeJoe was running around doing the photog thing. Ah Frank W what can I say we had to wait for a table and Frank is chatting up the folks around him. I think Frank sold two condos and a lot in Southern Florida before we got inside. Munchkin and Helen met us on the road. Tommy said “Hey a Road Glide is trying to sneak up on us”. Well it was Munchkin and sneaking up not a word I would use to describe louder sound of Munchkin's Road Glide. The food was good and lot of it. The company was first cabin and the good part we made it home before the thermometer hit the Century mark.

  • Swim & Picnic a.k.a. The Great Set-up of '23

    When George asks for volunteers to lead a ride, you know something is off. Sometimes you can figure it out right away, and other times the dark mystery lies in wait until an inopportune moment. Today - it was the latter of the two. I warned George that if I were to lead there would be no one there. I volunteered only if the emergency back to the emergency backup was unavailable and there literally wasn't anyone else going on the ride. So George announces on all channels that your's truly (Bobby B) would be leading today's ride. No one wants to follow he that cannot be found... I arrived at Good Things Donuts and waited for no one to show up. Frank W rolls in on his comfort cruiser about five minutes till. Frank was all smiles and jovial, it was nice to see a familiar face and one of the easiest going members of the club. We chat for a while, then I realize that it's three minutes past I've already broken a law of the ride and we haven't even started yet! Frank and I have an uneventful jaunt up through Crestview, then over to Baker, where we stopped for me to pick up brunch/lunch. Frank was a little shaken by some deer of the side of the road. We swapped battle stories of motorcycles and wildlife and head north then west towards Krul Lake. About four miles from our destination, I see a message pop up on my Garmin from George. He states that since the low turnout, I should make this a ride day instead and save the lake for another day. Just one tiny problem: We already had lunches cooking on the bikes, we had swim gear and towels, and by the time I received the message we had entered the dead zone that is North Santa Rosa County Florida. We were committed at this point and continued on. We arrive at the entrance of Krul Lake and are immediately stopped by a Forestry Service employee. The employee informs us that we will not enter without a pass. Passes have to be purchased online, in advance using their reserveamerica website. There is no cellular reception for Verizon customers in the forest. He smiled when he pointed back to the road and told us we were welcome to try Bear Lake back up the road. I explained that I had gone on the website earlier last week, and did not see any such requirements for Krul Lake. I did purchase the annual Day Pass from the Florida Forestry Service. The employee was happy to point out that would not get us into Krul Lake. I was instead welcomed to turn around and seek cellular service, then use my annual day pass to get a "free" Krul Lake day pass. He was unable to let us in without a pass specifically for Krul Lake. I hear Frank turn off his bike, and say "you know we went through this last year. I forgot all about it!" that was when I knew I had been had; the jig was up. Thankfully there was only one other member there to witness my failure to leave on time AND get to the destination. I rolled my bike back beside Frank's and started looking through my phone to read the fine print on the day pass I purchased. I was sure it did say that it counted towards all State Forests but there was a disclaimer that said that each park could change the rules at the gate depending on what was going on that day. While I'm looking, Frank starts talking. I think he's passing the time while I'm looking up my info, but no Frank W had other ideas. They talked about the area, construction, bridges (on that topic both Frank and the Employee had some distant connection), and real estate. Before I can even marvel at just how silver tongued Frank is, the employee is handing me his person cell phone to look up my information. He tells us that he stopped a group of motorcycles yesterday and they sat at the gate for two hours before they finally left. The employee starts telling us how to get through, and when I had trouble accessing my account, he tells us to just go on through. He then asks us to use only one parking space. I'm in disbelief. What in the world did Frank say to him, and why are we suddenly given access after adamant refusal? I ask Frank if he wants to go back to Bear Lake or go in. He says we are here and we have permission, so we might as well go in and look around. So into the parking area we went. There were four cars in the parking lot. This place was quiet, peaceful. I imagine they didn't want the riff-raff to enter and make a lot of noise. Frank and I parked, and sat at a table and enjoyed a very early lunch. We talked for a while and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the forest. There were a few family's around and a few more pulling in as we talked. Frank and I decided to head back sans swimming for this adventure. We parted ways as he went southwest and I southeast. Two members clocked in just over 98 miles. We had some laughs, and I learned the importance of having backup plans ready at all times. I also learned that Frank "Silver Tongued" W can befriend just about any human being on this planet. - Bobby B

  • The Great Chicken Run of ‘07

    FIRST ANNUAL SANDOLLAR CHICKEN RUN By Munchkin Yes, I said "chicken run". George likes to believe we went on a tour, but folks, this was no tour. 800 miles in three days does not meet the definition of a tour. It was a good run though. I was up bright and early Friday morning, finished packing the bike and out the garage I went. I met Steve and Sharon(a.k.a. Skwirll) at their house and off we went to the Exxon station to await the group. Here they come and we fell in trail to the Shell station in Pensacola. After a brief stop for gas and coffee for those who needed it, we were off to see the sights of the back roads of Alabama and Mississippi. We went up I-65 and then back down I-65. Early U-turn I guess. Steve left us shortly thereafter as he had to go TDY. The back roads of Miss. were, for the most part, logging roads because they were just filled with logging trucks. We stopped at a Wards burger joint in a small town which could have been a clone from our previous road trip. After our bellies were filled it was off again on our magic carpet ride. This being late fall, the shadows were beginning to get long and the sun started to flicker in the trees making for some strange shadow effects. Coming up a hill in a left turn, a pickup was coming down and as we passed him another truck rear ended him. Luckily he didn’t bounce into our lane. After 20 minutes of travel, the traffic, what there was of it, came to a stop. As the cars slowly began to move, we saw the hold up. A car had the misfortune of perfect timing and speed, and T-Boned the trailer of a logging truck, and hit the trailer tube that runs to the rear wheels. The tandem wheels of the trailer then hit the side of the car. We don’t know if the driver was injured. It is now dusk as we pull into Vicksburg and our lodging. After all the arrangements have been made and a quick freshening up, it’s off to eat. On the recommendation of motel staff we go to a local steak house who have a good reputation. Not so much. Wheets’ french fries were cold, my steak had too much fat and too top it off the waitress insisted on calling everyone Boo. Also for some reason she took a special liking to the Mitchell and kept on smacking him on the back of the head. Is there something we don’t know Mr. Mitchell? Have you been here before? Overall it was an overpriced so-so dinner, but filled us up. Back at the motel we put the bikes too bed, some had adult libations, and others such as myself just fell asleep. Good night Ethel. Next morning at 5 AM we discovered that Doc Pat, Brenda and their friends had made it to Vicksburg to join our Chicken Run. As we all prepped the bikes and paid the bills, we all also enjoyed the in house breakfast. Free too. What could be better? Finally, all are ready and its off to get gas. That having been accomplished, its off to the Vicksburg Civil War( War of Northern Aggression) battlefield park and museum. The road that wound around the battlefield gun emplacements and fighting positions of both sides was a good ride. But I must make an observation. All one could see were the placards of the different troop and gun emplacements of both sides as one rode the loop road. The trees and vegetation that had grown since that battle long ago, gave one little perspective of what the troops faced, or what they saw as they charged or fired on opposing positions. All one could see were trees. I’m sure this was not as things were back then. I’m sure though, that to replicate conditions would be prohibitively expensive. Still, It was interesting. Even more interesting was the wreck of the gunboat Cairo, which was sunk by the Confederates with the first use of an electrically detonated mine. Time to move on to the Coca Cola Museum. Lots of artifacts of days gone by, and stuff produced by Coke that I didn’t know existed. By now everyone is getting hungry and the raison d’eter for this jaunt...CHICKEN!! Lee and a couple of others charged ahead to insure that no one would beat them out of any of the world famous cluckers. The object of our quest is just 40 miles down U.S. 61, which at the posted speed limit is about an hour away. Along the way some interesting road signs are seen, not the least of which is Grand Gulf nuclear power station. Who knew that Mississippi had a Nuke plant? At last we come to our reason for this jaunt, Lorman Miss. Country store, home of the worlds best fried chicken!! We shall see. Lee comes out to greet us, and informs us that they had just arrived 3 minutes earlier and that the chicken is not yet ready. The building is of ancient heritage, about 1829 if I remember the sign correctly. Inside you can see the country store heritage, with the wall shelves that go from floor to ceiling and the ladder on tracks to gain access to items out of reach. Since the yard bird was not yet fried, we started in on the salad, which was most delicious. Could have eaten nothing but that and I would have been satisfied. The salad dressing was not something that came out of a bottle. Didn’t think to ask them for the recipe. Finally it’s Chicken time! We all queue up to get our cluckers, and its not long before its all gone. Not to fear, more is on the way, as the birds are fried in small batches to insure that they do not languish on the serving if that were a problem. My friends, rarely have I tasted chicken this good, if ever! I chose a piece of breast because if chicken is going to be dry or tasteless, this will be the piece that it’s going to happen to (and I‘m a hooter kind of guy). I am pleased to report that Alton Brown was indeed correct in bestowing the title of “ Worlds Best Chicken” upon The Country Store! We were all finally satiated, but it was time to move on down the road. Doc Pat, Brenda and friends took their leave of us and headed back to Cajun country, we on the other hand, had quite a ride ahead of us. To get to U.S. 84 we first had to traverse Miss. 552. It started out innocently enough, nice curvy road, arching trees etc. Then comes the sign, ”State Maintenance Ends” . It then turned into nothing more than rough gravel with some tar thrown on top to keep it in place. Pot holes the size of the Grand Canyon were everywhere. Then the hunting camps started showing up off the sides of the road. At least I hope they were hunting camps, I would hate to think people actually lived in conditions like that. Except for the trees you would think this was Somalia. And then in the back of my mind the theme song from Deliverance started playing. Can we get out of here...NOW! Finally, civilization! A gas station! Sort of. Two pumps with the numbers on a rotary wheel and the lot was dirt. Along comes a medium sized dog with a large stick in his mouth...that’s no stick!...It’s a deer leg with the hoof and the hide still on it! There’s that music again. Eventually, we make it to Hwy.84 and are making good time, but it is getting late and the light is fading. Now its dark and the road is making some nice dips and turns, and if it weren't for the utter blackness, this would be a good road. It’s like riding through a tunnel. All the while though, you know you're not, and expect creatures of the night to come bounding out of the woods on either side of you and take you out. Monroeville! We are here! Dave and Tina's place. Light, warmth and food. Has it become evident that we are food junkies? We live and ride for food! That was the sole purpose for this ride. Dave and Tina have put on quite a spread for us! Ham, turkey, dressing, taters’ veggies and of course desserts. Did I tell you we like food? After I stuffed myself, I had a short snooze on the couch. When I awoke, I found that Sharon, Jerry and myself were the only ones still up. We chatted until the wee hours, but soon the sand man found us as well, and we went off to slumberland. Next morning we awoke to overcast skies with the possibility of rain. We geared up and went off to collect Lee and Wheet at the local motel. Lee had a small coolant leak issue, which was soon corrected and it was off to Range, Alabama for breakfast and gas. Why is it that your small or country restaurants usually have better food than the larger well known places? Cheaper too. Service also good. Well we’re on the last leg of this Chicken Run as we head down Al. 41. Soon it turns into Fl.87 and I’m almost home. I turn onto 98 and in a few more miles and turns I glide into my garage and as the garage door closes, another road trip comes to a safe and successful end. Sandie Legend Trip By George The Sandies were all snuggled in their older, but clean Motel beds with visions of Fried Chicken dancing in their collective heads. All, that is, except Skwirrel - she was out trying to con the front desk clerk out of a beer. Was she successful? Stay tuned and find out. So ended an absolutely incredible day of riding the Sandie way. Ah, the Sandie way, it involves missing roads and U-turns; even with a GPS. Discovering new ways of getting somewhere - some times not the straightest or fastest way of getting anywhere. We made it to Hattiesburg via the Sandie method, went around Hattiesburg then took the Stephen Gardinier Hot-Dog and Onion Short-Cut to Vicksburg. Along the way, we were almost involved in an accident. Well, it happened right next to JoeJoe and Rocketman; one truck ran into another truck. (No doubt distracted from looking at a certain gorgeous GL 1800 belonging to the Ride Captain). We passed another accident further up the road, this one was serious; car ran a stop sign and ran under a Logging Truck, not a pretty sight. I also discovered a truism on this tour: When in Mississippi, if you see a sign that says “End of State Maintance” on the road you’re on, stop and put your motorcycle into 4-wheel drive, you’re going to need it. On the other hand, as we found out later in the trip, Twilight Zone mode. Meanwhile back at the motel, where Skwirrel was clutching her ill-gotten beer, who should appear but none other than the Bearded One himself. No, not Santa, Virginia, but the one and only ever so infamous Doc Pat (and Brenda), with friends in tow. Now only a Sandie would ride through the cold night, after work, just to eat fried chicken. To further prove most motorcyclists aren’t the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, Doc talked 2 of their friends into coming along. I mean who but a Sandie would think that riding 375 miles (one way) to eat fried chicken made perfect sense. The next morning, after making sure that everyone was up and at ’em, including The Midnight Beer Scammer, it was off to the National Battlefield at Vicksburg. The park is beautiful on a late fall morning as the motorcycles move down the narrow asphalt road, the passing tires stir up the leaves, while other leaves drift down. We couldn’t stay long but we did stop long enough to tour the Ironclad ship, Cairo, and it’s Museum. Up to now, we have been riding exclusively along the Yankee, or Aggressors in the War for Southern States Rights, side of the Battlefield. Just as we turned the corner on the Confederate side of the Battle lines, it was time to leave and head for the Coca-Cola Museum. The back route out of the Park is one nice road, starts out on top of a hill and winds its way down to the middle of town. When we got to the downtown area, the ugly specter of starvation reared its head. Now keep in mind that we had just eaten not 3 hours before, but listening to the plaintive cries and whines, you would have thought their last meal was days before. The Mitchell, Rocketman and Wheet were all lamenting about their empty bellies. I foolishly chose to ignore them and headed for the Coca-Cola Museum. Nice Museum. It was in the first place in America to bottle Coca Cola. Skwirrel and I were looking at Coke stuff when the coup d'état happened. The starving ones said they couldn’t take it any longer had to have their ‘fried chicken fix’. I pointed to the street out in front of the Museum, told them to stay on that Road until they got to Lorman, MS, and chicken Nirvana awaited them. Stampeding cattle couldn’t move faster than that herd. The rest of us civilized folk; yes, including Sam, Skwirrel, Munchkin and JoeJoe, finished our walk through the Museum, eased our way back to the parking lot, mounted our motorcycles and motored out of Vicksburg. The Donnor Party was long out of sight, last seen thundering out of town, as if the Devil himself was chasing them. The road is MS 61 and runs parallel to the Mississippi River, mostly four-lane, but it narrows to a very nice two-lane through Port Gipson, Ms. the town hails itself as “The Town too Pretty to Burn”. It is a very quaint and picturesque southern town. There was still no sign of the Lifeboat Survivors, although some trees were bent in their direction of travel. We soon arrived in Lorman, for your education the only thing in Lorman was the Country Store, where this divine Fried Chicken was being served (eventually). There could not be a more forlorn group of motorcyclists than those gaunt Sandies standing on the porch of the Country Store. It seems they serve around 11:30 am, not at 10:30 am as the Poor Unfed had thought. So all they could do was stand there and smell all the wonderful food smells drifting out of the kitchen. Some times the Road Gods reward patience, virtue and honesty. Maybe that explains why the Road Gods crap on the Sandies so often. Seeing as how I’m the only one that fills all the virtuous criteria. Meanwhile back in Lorman, on the Porch: The Donnor Party of 4, (They were five and forgot about Jerry) it was ‘when do we eat’ and other assorted whines. Those of us that showed restraint on the fried chicken thing were content to wait, but there was change in the wind. Mr. Davis, the Wizard of the kitchen that produced those wonderful smells, came out to talk to the gaunt Foodie Sandies. He even sang a song to the drooling 5, not that they listened; they just kept edging toward the buffet. Now a strange change came over the rest of the Sandies, they also began edging toward what food was out on the buffet. The nice lady that ran the dining room took pity on the emaciated Sandies and opened up the salad bar. There was literally a run for the veggies, I showed the restraint I have become famous for, waited, and went last. Not a smart thing as I was to find out later. Finally, hot food! The buffet began filling up, the fact that there was still no chicken did not deter the Foodies, and they kept shoveling. THEN the Chicken arrived! There was literally a melee at the buffet, when the crowd opened up, there was no, I repeat, NO chicken in the pan. Here is where it got ugly; I had not one piece, not even a crumb. I went back to the table, someone asked why I had no chicken, looking around I noticed that most Sandies had at least 2, most had 3 pieces of the “Worlds Best Fried Chicken”. Did they offer any to the Road Captain, the one that planned this Road trip - brought them safely to the Worlds Best Fried Chicken? Did they share? Well did they? NO! Sam did give me one of her pieces and The Mitchell, grudgingly offered a piece. Everyone else was guarding their plates. As matter of fact, they looked just like the Lions on a National Geographic special; Lions, guarding their fresh kill from Hyenas. The Chicken was excellent, tea was traditional southern Iced-Tea, or as Mark Twain called it “Southern Wine”. Everything but dessert was included for $6.00. Dessert was cobbler. Fresh cobbler. The Mitchell ordered cobbler plus ice cream; Mr. “I’m going to take it easy”, yea right. Pat & Brenda joined us; at least they showed some restraint about the fried chicken. The place filled up rapidly, mostly fellow motorcyclists. Sam got Mr. Davis to autograph a menu “To the Sandies”. He then sang another song, which drew a large round of applause. After much burping and belly, rubbing it was time to saddle up. We stood on the porch, talking about how far we had to go (almost 280 miles) and it was already 12:30 pm. As we got ready to pull out, I swear I saw The Mitchell let his belt out a notch or two. We headed across 61 and down MS 552. We wanted to stop at Rosewood Plantation. I had read about it on the internet; built in 1857, survived the War of Northern Aggression, and is a Bed and Breakfast now. Just a few miles and we did a U-Turn; I missed the entrance, rode down a dirt road with a classic Southern Plantation in the distance. We got to the Main House, parked, and said ‘Hi’ to a strange young man on the second floor. This was beginning to get a little spooky, kinda of like one of those Gothic Novels or a movie like “Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte”. We walked up to the front door and rang the bell, no answer. Main front door was open, just a locked screen door. Knocked again and a little gray haired lady answered, she just kind of peeked out the door at the bikes and us. She said they were closed for the rest of the year, would I like a brochure? I said yes Ma’am; she opened the door and as she was handing me the brochure, out strolled a Rhodesian Ridgeback. These dogs are rare in the U.S., and they’re huge; The Rhodesian S.A.S. used them as war dogs during the civil war there. This one was very calmly eyeing us, sorta waiting for someone to do something really stupid, like breathe. Patted the dog, said thank you, and got off the porch. Next thing I notice the strange young man is following us to the parking lot, I mean this boy was ‘Bats in the Belfry’ strange, not just ‘ Deliverance’ strange, but Rod Sterling strange, Stephen King strange, the kind of strange that raises the hairs on the back of your neck. He walks up to Lee, comments on the Rocket 3, nice bike etc. Lee says thanks, and then the guy says very clearly, “You know you look good on that Bike”. I never ever saw a big Triumph Rocket III turned around faster, heading down that dirt road with a plume of dust behind it. I swear we passed a thin guy smoking a pipe wearing a hounds-tooth jacket and leaning on a sign as we left the plantation. The Road was incredible, twisting and turning through some beautiful countryside. The weather was a perfect fall day; Got to a crossroad, uh-oh, which way? GPS doesn’t show road conditions, map shows a windy road, Oh hell, go left. Skwirrel thinks I’m a flaming liberal any way, get it, left, liberal? Helloooo, anyone out there? Road is still nice, and then comes the dreaded sign “END OF STATE MAINTAINCE”. In Mississippi that’s a real uh-oh. Road got rougher and the countryside got strange looking. Remember the guy in the hounds-tooth jacket? The light was a weird color, the trailers were beat up, and the farms had a wild look to them. I was busy praying to the Road Gods to get us the hell out of this strange place, and it was getting stranger the deeper we went. In addition, I was praying again to our fickle Road Gods not let a Sandie have a breakdown here in the Enchanted Forest. You see, The Mitchell was in the Super Six position, Skwirrel and Munchkin right in front of him. Knowing the Mitchell, he would use the “Bear in the Woods Rule”. To wit: “You don’t have to the fastest person in a group if a bear is chasing you, just faster than the guy behind you”. Therefore, if something happens, Skwirrel and Munchkin becomes Bear Bait. Hell, the V-Rod would probably pass me, too. Nothing like having the Cowardly Lion as your Super Six, well it did seem like OZ. Kidding aside, I am sure that Mitchell wouldn’t leave anyone. Maybe. Back to Never-Never Land, the road got worse and worse, the trees got closer together and it got darker and darker. All we needed was a squad of Flying Monkeys to show up to make this a complete Road Nightmare. Suddenly there was a ditch across the road, it was speed up and hope you didn’t leave a wheel behind. Less than a mile up the road was a sign that we were finally leaving the Enchanted Forest; it said “BEGINNING STATE MAINTAINCE”. Somehow, we, the Sandies, had outwitted the Road Gods, this time. We stopped for gas at this little very country store. “Why,” you ask, “after what we had gone through would you stop for gas?” Sand Dollar Tour Directive #6 “Thou shalt gasup the wagons at every opportunity whilst in Indian Territory”. While there, Jerry found out that what looks like a stick being drug around by a dog isn’t always what it seems. We passed through Union Church, another story for another time, made a left and headed for Brookhaven, MS down one of the nicest riding roads in this part of the south, MS 550, simply unbelievable. Stopped once more for fuel in Brookhaven, Sandies had to use the bathroom. Well it took longer and longer, we had 210 miles to go, it was 2:30 pm, dark was only 3.5 hours away, and it was going to get cold, fast. After rounding up all the Sandies, we had a Road Meeting, laid out that we had to move and move smartly if we didn’t want to become Sandiecicles. Pointed out that this was deer season and a cold, very dark Alabama highway with its warm pavement was a deer magnet. We rolled out and headed at off at 75 + mph on US 84. Well, after stopping to pick-up Munchkin’s dropped gloves, we made 75 + mph. That boy drops more stuff off his bike than anyone I know. Now it was just straight, hard, fast driving. US 84 in Mississippi is the loneliest 4 lane in America. We saw hardly any traffic, which is good when it comes to the Constabulary. Soon it got dark, then colder, our headlights flashed on the occasional dead deer on the side of the road, I noticed more folks were staying in the middle of the road. I was following a pick-up that was making good time in the dark. This stretch of Highway is the darkest road I have ever been on. Stopped in Coffeeville, AL to put on more clothes, Sandies were cold and tired but hanging in there. Everyone kept a good positive attitude, upbeat despite the circumstances. We just wanted to make it to Dave and Tina’s, warm food, a fireplace, and a nice bed. Ahh, bliss. Four and half-hours after Brookhaven we rolled into Monroeville, this was a Sandie Run that would become Sandie Legend. Those Sandies that made this Road Run were and are Motorcyclists. Dave and Tina had awesome food, great company and a nice soft bed. Dave and Tina are so nice that Munchkin didn’t even have to sleep in the Garage. We left for breakfast after repairing the Rocket, slight coolant leak, no big deal. Great breakfast at a small country restaurant, Dave picks good food spots. We made it home a couple of hours later, what a trip, definitely a Sandie Legend Road Trip. I would go again with this crew, anywhere, anytime. Da Skwirrel’s Chicken Tour By Da Skwirrel I'm still basking in the glow from one of the best rides. Great folks coming together for adventure. The ride was the main course and the destinations were the desert ..Experiencing rides like this make me so glad to be a member of the Ridingest club. The weather.. Not too cold and definitely not, hot Sunshine all the way.. The rays highlighting the golden and red tints on the palette of fall leaves on the trees lining the rolling back roads of AL and MS. Fenced pastures, some vacant, some not, conforming to the topography of the gentle earth. Absolutely so very privileged to be able to experience the beauty of life. The Sandies in synchronized formation, rode smoothly along the rolling, curving, twisting hills resembling a Chinese New Year Dragon. I like George's version of Geometry..the shortest distance between point A and point B is NOT a straight line! We arrive in Vicksburg at dark.. so of course, the rest of the night was spent eating and laughing.. aint that right BOO? Call TDY Steve to remind him how it sux to be him (have to add salt to the wound ya know). Next morning blessed us with just as good weather as before. Time to ride the Park...wonderful roads caressing the battlefields of the past. I mean it!.. it was great fun.. almost no traffic.. just us...and a few folks waving as we exit. After we visit the Coke museum, it's time for the pilgrimage to the Chicken Mecca in Lorman MS... OH YEAH BABY!!!!!!!! This is the way food is suppose to be fixed... so Southern..hard to describe.. too busy drooling. So fresh! So tasty!!!!!! Louisiana Sandies meet us there to eat.. they're just as crazy as we that scary or a requirement to become a Sandie? Full as a tick, we mount our metal two wheeled steeds and head for our next conquest!...To eat of course! I can't believe that we are actually headed out to go eat right after we just ate! Of course we rode a few hundred miles and it took many hours to do so. On the way, we stop at an old Southern mansion. Surrounded by oak trees draped in the Spanish moss.. surely there's a mint julep to be had.No tour was available which was OK.. too full to waddle anyway. Onward! What's that noise? Riding along some very very very back roads, Mitchell (bringing up the rear) hears the sweet plucking sounds of the Deliverance banjo like the Sirens calling to Ulysses. I kept him in my sight making sure he didn’t go off and join that duet. The Sandies finish that road into "civilization". George uses his skills as professional cat herder as he leads us to Monroeville. Hundreds of miles and not too late to...EAT (of course). Chez de Dave et Tina Here are some of the best folks waiting for us. Greeted us with open arms and hot delicious food and drinks. Waiting on us hand and foot.. taking care of our every whim. Yes there was a mint on the pillow...really do appreciate all that y’all did. Was good seeing the Monroeville Sandies. Great job on the route George.. bodacious roads! Had a BLAST! A definite do again!!!! Jerry Chicken Tour By Jerry G. Friday 23 November dawned clear, cold (39°) with a 20-25 mph wind from the north for my start on the Chicken Run. As the usual “Hard Core” departed (on time as always), I was all set for the trip fully loaded down with all bags stuffed, plus air mattress, sleeping bag, etc, and a suitcase tied down on the b..... seat. After a very cold and windy ride to our usual stop at 9th Ave. and US 98 in P’cola, someone asked me why I had the suitcase along. I explained that for a three-day trip I did have some minimal needs such as a toothbrush, change of clothes, Captain Morgan, etc., etc. It was hard to tell who enjoyed this the most, the one who told me that the trip wasn’t until next Friday or the whole group that took turns speculating on the condition of my memory, my mind, my lack of a computer, and possibly my sex life (or lack thereof). Friday 30 November dawned clear, cool (49°) and much more pleasant. Seeing some of the same folks/bikes and all bikes loaded down did ease my mind somewhat. Same stop as before without the harassment I withstood last week, with 3 more bikes accumulated on the way. We followed our usual covert route (no interstate and minimal 4-lanes) to I-165 in Mobile where our exalted leader not only did not try to pass a red light with two state police cars there (as before), but got us all going north on I-165 only to pass up our planned exit on Rte. 158 for a 6-mile u-turn back on I-165 to Rte. 158. Everything else uneventful including our stop at a Ward’s Drive Inn (try their “Big One,” a full-size cheeseburger loaded full of their chili). This fueled us up all the way to Vicksburg, Mississippi, about 335 miles from Fort Walton observing only one wreck along the way. I’m sure that others will describe the wreck, but I will say that I have never, ever, seen a fully loaded lumber truck trying to mate with a Chevy Camero. After getting settled in a nice motel, we hit a local eatery where most folks ordered steaks (some of the best-looking I’ve seen) or shrimp (huge and tasty). A folksy waitress who called everyone “Boo” evidently liked “Cool Hand.” We could tell because every time she passed by she rapped him in the head, this might be because he was eating the tidbits that dropped on the floor. Best thing of all, I was awarded the “Jeffery Award.” Next morning everyone showed up early (you make not think this newsworthy, and then you’ve never made a Sandy road trip). We were joined by those wonderful Sand Dollars Pat and Brenda and a couple from Louisiana. They are the sponsors of our “Lo Road Tour,” the high point of all our trips every year. We had a very interesting trip through the Vicksburg National Park and Cemetery and on downtown to the Coca Cola Museum. From here, we hustled down to Lorman, Mississippi to the “Old Store,” a 138-year-old store that claims to serve “The Best Fried Chicken in the World.” This is worth a visit if only to have the owner/chef sing to you at your table about his “Grandmother was a Cornbread Cooking Queen.” All old style home cooking and lots and lots of it. With a delayed start we headed out some 230 miles to Monroeville, Alabama to the home of Dave and Tina (more misplaced Sand$ and the best hosts you could possibly imagine. Enroute we tried an interesting road (#552) which after the “State Maintenance Ends” sign turned into an imitation of the movie “Deliverance.” Picture a ½ acre lot with 5 or 6 trailer homes liked together surrounded by 10 or 12 wrecked pickup trucks with 20 0r 30 hound dogs in the yard. The one most concerned was our tail end “Sweeper” who knew that if he had a bike problem, no one was behind him. Even with him imaging banjo music in the background, I don’t know why he was bothered. He just recently moved to Crestview, he should have felt right at home. Anyway, after a great night in Monroeville and super breakfast at the “Old Timers Café,” another 180 miles home. At 790 miles total, a small price to pay for a great adventure and super camaraderie. The Great Chicken Run of ‘07 LeeM - RocketMan I must admit I've been excited about this trip for weeks. Think of it, all the chicken one could eat, not just that, but “ALL The BEST Fried Chicken, one could EAT”, 900 miles of great roads and a few good Sandies, more or less. Does that sound like a Sandie ride, or what? Purchased a great new helmet, Arai…from Barracuda, Keith gave me a good deal. Lisa gave me a New Garmin Zumo 550 for Christmas, got a new bag from D & D (nice bag, no deal) and ordered a new winter jacket and of course, it came the day I left (after I actually took off). Already the trip cost me too much and I had not left my driveway yet. Friday, November 30th, 2007: Day One: 5:00 am Up and at’em, 6:00 am out the door and down the street… oops, can’t power up the new GPS, had a little extra time stopped to fix it (no joy). Got to Sun Plaza 5 minutes early, oops, no I was late since my clock was off (install of GPS that is not working). Weather nice, traffic good, first stop Pensacola for gas, stretched our legs. Thanks to Steve and his handy-dandy allen wrench, popped the battery and fixed my GPS. A beautiful road, colorful leaves raining down, and being tossed about by our wheels hitting the pavement. 2:30 pm: Red truck stops to let our group pass (we had the right away). As I passed the intersection, the truck behind him (oblivious), does not stop. Lot’s of smoke from his tires, front end of his truck folded into the rear of the one that stopped for us. Lifted the bed of the truck, catapulted the contents over the top, and out the sides as I passed by, I was glad to see JoeJoe behind me, come through without harm. Exciting, especially since all Sandies were unscathed… 3:30 pm: Another intersection…looked like a compact car had run a Stop sign, managed to get itself under the flat bed of a tree-hauling rig and was drug at least 50 feet. Entire bottom front windshield of car was crushed in. Only slowed a bit so don’t know how the passenger(s) faired. Good Luck, little guy… Yes, folks these two “scenes” were exactly an hour apart in our travels to Vicksburg. As I look around, I see “girlie” men have taken over motorcycling; what do I mean? The Sheepskin seat covers, backrests, hippo hands, heated hand grips, wind screens, and I don’t want to name names, but I witnessed a Sandie or two with a ROLL AROUND suitcases. What’s next a “Bike Biminy” oh, the sun is too bright… Shame, shame. Day Two: Battlefield drive through; the road was made for bikes--twisty, smooth, and beautiful. Needed more time there, interesting. Next, stop the first Coca Cola bottler. Nice stop, but I want CHICKEN... me hungry! After harassing George to go, he was surprisingly quick to throw us out, I mean let us take our leave and go. So Boo (Mitchell, he picked up yet another moniker), Wheet, Jerry and I left ahead of the rest, for the Old Country Store. Forty minutes later, we arrive only five minutes before the rest. The Old Country Store building looked old and deserted, like something built in the 1930 dust storms, but it was much older than that. The staff said the buffet would be open soon, so we started on the salad bar. They only cook enough food to be eaten right a way. The salad bar had no equal, my sweet tea was the best I've ever had, and the chicken was hot, crisp, moist, juicy, and full of flavor, it was definitely great. This was the best six-dollar meal I ever had; it is worth twice that much. And George picked up the tab. Look forward to a return visit. Close by, was a Bed and Breakfast, Sam and George wanted to check out for a future stay. Long dirt driveway, and I was last to get off my bike, a strange young man on the second floor was taking lots of pictures. As we were saddling up, he (strangely reminiscent of "Bates", think Psycho) came over to talk to me, and I being polite replied. George was quick to leave down the long dirt driveway ..."Hell" they all left me sitting there with "Norman", Gee Thanks. Anyway, we are on our way to the next destination, Dave and Tina's for much needed rest and food. The roads combined the best with some of the worst tire hazards out there. A gas station along the way was all barred up, pumps old; but not classic, dirt for pavement. There was young Doberman with a tree branch in his mouth, Jerry called him over to play, gives a pull on the "tree branch" and we noticed it was a deer leg. Jerry without hesitation smells his hand and said it was fresh. How he knows this, I really don't want to know... We ran late, by the time we made it to Dave and Tina's house it was very cold. Lots of good food, spirits, and the best in warm welcoming hospitality, with a much-needed fire so I could finally get warm. Day Three: This morning, everybody meets up over at the motel that some us stayed at for the night. I noticed a small coolant leak from my bike -- FatCat and Fred started analyzing the leak. Joe Joe got out a very handy pair of needle nose pliers, adjusted the hose and the leak was fixed...thank you all, especially JoeJoe. Got a nice goodbye hug from Tina, better hug from Dave, we need to fix that. If you didn't make it, you missed out; trust me, you don't want to miss it next time!

  • Breakfast Turned Out Pretty Dang Good but a Hot Ride Home

    9 Sandies, fully dressed for this weather, wearing: parkas, heated riding suits, and gloves... okay maybe not that overdressed. We left Good Things Donuts just after dawn heading for Milton. We have previously been to Ace Cafe, but the Ace is closed on Sunday’s. So we went to Cisco’s Restaurant. Excellent food, service was great, and prices were very reasonable. Okay now for the rest of the Adventure. First Tim W is heading for the balmy shores of Sicily . Tim is not scheduled back until the end of October, just before Pumpkin Run (shameless plug). Stay safe Tim we need ya at the Pumpkin Run . Sandy S took all the pictures this trip. The one Sandy took at dawn is a great picture. We were really lucky to have Nikki G along with us . Nikki just makes the trip more fun. Kinda like Sandy but without all the meds. Tony G has a new camera. It does 360 degrees, and I cannot wait to see the final product. Tony takes great video’s so this should only enhance those already awesome videos. Glenn S joined us today, we don’t get a chance to see Glenn that often. It’s always good when we can spend some time with Glenn. Today Frank W showed up with a new, to Frank, ride. Well it was like Frank is not exactly young - how about a 1978 Yamaha 650 dressed in the old Tracker style. There is a picture of it in the gallery now I have included Franks reaction to riding it today. Take it away Frank: Ok I’ll admit to some aging especially riding the older street tracker without almost no padding between the sitting bones & the very stiff frame. Really makes you appreciate the comfortable seats on the bigger bikes. Breakfast was fun. - Frank W It got hot in a hurry on the way home. The Positive from this we got soaked but it was from sweat, not rain. As you know the last few times I’ve been out riding we have run into rain and gotten soaked to the bone. It was a great day, albeit it ended up a hot ride home. -Cat Hearder

  • A Brief Ride to Brunch

    The Sand Dollar Motorcycle Club held their August 2023 meeting last Sunday. Sir Robert, Sam E, Ms Edna, the Cat Hearder, JoeJoe, Sheepdog, Tony G, Nikki G, Christina S, SpectreSteve, Munchkin, Jim W, Annie, and your's truly (Bobby B) were able to attend. After the usual business was finished, we broke for lunch... well brunch. It's always the best of times when we go from one restaurant to another! Due to the late start, the sweltering heat had already kicked in. We chose to keep it short. A quick ride to Niceville, and we were inside The Wharf (formerly 850) in little time. The food was good, the laughs were great, and the service was quick considering the place filled up as we got there. I think we might have been trend setters for the post church crowd. Good times to all that could make the ride. Sam E, the Cat Hearder, JoeJoe, Munchkin, Jim W, Annie P, Bobby B, and SpectreSteve (who followed along in the cool AC of his truck) clocked a meager 22-ish miles round trip. Short, but most of us were able to dodge the rain drops and a heat stroke on the way back to our respective lives.

  • Where's Waldo? Riding a Grand Tour of Course!

    By Bobby B With George canceling the shirt ride, I ended up having a free day. Housework mostly done, missus at work, and the kids away; I got to thinking about how I never stop and get proof along the way for the Grand Tour. So why not start today?!? My thoughts were to just pick up a few of the low lying letters and plan a trip later to sweep up the rest. I picked up S - O - M in about 30 minutes. Well that won’t do, hardly a ride. So sitting in Mary Esther, I was considering going to get the D in Destin, but it was hot. Like climbing quickly to the triple digits hot. So went home for lunch. I started looking at the map and realized with one giant swoop north I can pick up all the rest. A ride was born. Danger and excitement at every twist in the road (and some straights too). The armadillos and inattentive drivers certainly didn’t disappoint! All in all, everything went well. Even the inattentive drivers gave a friendly wave afterwards. Shalimar, FL Auburn, FL Niceville, FL Defuniak Springs, FL Ocean City, FL (the picture ended up being terrible, but I was in fear for my life) Laurel Hill, FL Liberty, FL Argyle, FL Red Bay, FL Mary Esther, FL Crestview, FL

  • A Three Hour Cruise

    Last Sunday, some Sandies took a cruise and were almost pitched off the Pensacola Ferry. Oh it’s a Sandie Trip, so what’s new? This time Sam was the cause of all the excitement. Yes Sam, who is old enough to know way better. We finished our tour and waiting on boarding the boat, and saw a locked gate that said “ Federal Property no entrance”. You see where this is going don’t you? Sam discovered that she could slip through the gate. Yep, the Federal Gov. locked do not enter gate. I’m standing on the dock with the other innocent Sandies, when I look up to see this white hat heading down the dock toward The Ferry. Sam got to the deck before being intercepted by not one but TWO crew members. They escorted the obviously very dangerous intruder back down the dock. It was so Sandie, two big guys escorting this much smaller very obviously dangerous lady. The crew members opened the gate, escorted Sam out, then proceeded to chain it shut behind the intruder. Yep just another Sandie adventure. Now for the rest of the Adventure: 9 Sandies decided to try their luck on the Bounding Main last Sunday. Well not real Bounding, just across Pensacola Bay. The Pensacola Ferry Co. has an historical cruise every Sunday. It is a docent led tour of Fort Pickens. Our docent, Carl, was extremely knowledgeable. What makes it even more remarkable is that Carl was a volunteer. We were lucky to have a guide with such a remarkable depth of knowledge. Back to the Krewe of Lost Souls... hey any crew that has a Sandy S and a JoeJoe with a dash of Tony G is Lost! We left GTD under darkening skies with Tommy N and Sandy S headed west. We were scheduled to pick-up JoeJoe, Mark S, Lorna S and the aforementioned Tony G. It was an uneventful trip to lunch, remember this was a Sandie trip - food first. We settled on McGuire’s in Pensacola. The Sandies acted like, well, Sandies but we got to stay anyway. See some of the pictures from there taken by Sandy and JoeJoe outstanding. Need to give Tony G a huge shout out. Tony’s videos are simply some of the best. Add Tim W’s video’s and pictures, the Sandies are lucky to have such talent. We arrived at The Ferry Dock, boarded the boat. The smart crew sat in AC while the roughing it crew headed topside: briny deep, salt in the hair, and all of that. The trip to Fort Pickens is simply a great way to enjoy a Sunday. You can buy a day pass and sail around Pensacola Bay all day in comfort, snacks and adult beverages. Arrived at The Fort, disembarked, love throwing in those Nautical terms. Carl led The Sandies on a really good tour of Fort Pickens. Lots of historical knowledge and little known facts. As we headed back to the ship, that’s when the trip turned into a true Sandie Adventure. We were allowed back on board, settled in for the trip back. I noticed that a crew member kept us in view all the way back. It was a great Adventure, we got a great story to tell around a fire on a cool fall night.

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